Workshop for development of the National guidelines for Snake bite management at Sagana Gateway Resort.
Dr. KefaBosire from EAPI facilitating at the workshop for development of the National guidelines for Snake bite management at Sagana...
Dr. KefaBosire from EAPI facilitating at the workshop for development of the National guidelines for Snake bite management at Sagana...
(Dr. Siyoi, Registrar PPB giving the opening remarks)
(Dr. KefaBosire Principal Investigator, East African Pharmacovigilance Initiative addressing the participants) EAPI Program Team held a meeting with the School...
EAPI Program e-Learning Content development workshop.EAPI Program held an e-Learning Content development workshop at KCB leadership Karen from 15-19 June...
Dr. KefaBosire Principal Investigator, East African Pharmacovigilance Initiative participating in the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya meeting at Travelers Beach Hotel...
Dr. KefaBosire Principal Investigator, East African Pharmacovigilance Initiative participating in the GCP-GCLP trainer-of-trainers‘ workshop, Johannesburg, 12-14 June 2018. The purpose...