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The key purpose of program is build the institutional and personnel capacities of NECs and the National Drug regulatory agency to provide efficient and effective pharmacovigilance oversight, clinical trial approval and monitoring and medicines registration.

The objectives of this proposal are:

  1. To support NECs and NRAs’ development of institutional and personnel capacities to enable them to perform their national ethical oversight function to efficiently review clinical trial applications and monitor on-going studies.
  2. To support NRAs’ development of institutional and personnel capacities to enable improved regulatory pathway activities directly related to clinical trials and registration of new medicinal products. This will also include strengthening the pharmacovigilance systems.
  3. To increase awareness and promote active participation of stakeholders in clinical trials approval and monitoring and safe medicines use by promoting a web-based platform for engagement, information dissemination and reporting.
1.      E Masters Courses

Long term training will require initiation of the distance learning version of the Master of Pharmacy.

This will involve revision of course content, writing of content, publication in the online portal, advertisement, enrolment and roll-out of training through the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nairobi.

The process is ongoing and near completion.

2.      Short Courses

Under development, announcement will soon be made.

3.      Drug Safety Reporting 

The objective of the dissemination and communication activities will be to improve demand for pharmacovigilance by creating awareness and use of the reporting portal among health professionals and the public.

The schedule for key dissemination activities is included in the implementation including: presentation at the annual professional meetings, workshops local and international pharmacovigilance related forums. It is anticipated to increase awareness and reporting by health related institutions, businesses, professionals and members of the public.

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